13 November 2008


How sad (by normal standards, anyway) is it that I am gradually falling in love with my Arduino Diecimila robot controller?

I now have 6 tiny little Ultrafly ST-9 micro-servos, which simply plug into the PMW sockets on the Arduino. The Arduino servo library then allows you to simply send an angle to each and the servo whirs into position. How much simpler could this be?

The more I investigate the online Arduino community and discover the strange and interesting libraries people have written, the more I realise that open source hardware is a viable alternative to closed source, propriatary kit. I've long believed that open source software has the potential to become a major force in computing, and to a very great extent that faith is paying off. How long before somoene decides to create a seriously powerful open source computer, I wonder, or even a cluster of them? I'm not holding my breath, but I don't think we'll have to wait an eternity for the first models to appear either.

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  1. "How long before somoene decides to create a seriously powerful open source computer, I wonder, or even a cluster of them?"

    Already done. In 2004 IBM's Blue Gene/L was the worlds fastest supercomputer. It ran Linux.

    Jodrell Bank have had a Linux Cluster for several years (COBRA).

  2. True, very true. How long before someone uses open source hardware to do it, though?
