6 November 2008

Back To Wires, Back To Reality

I've never been a fan of wireless networks but now there's a real reason to mistrust them. Computer security researchers Erik Tews and Martin Beck have managed to partially crack the hitherto secure WPA encryption that should be used on all domestic wireless routers and cards. If you're using the older WEP encryption, please know that it's crackable in about a minute, the tools to do so are available online, and that the neighbour's geeky kid is possibly already aware of this - if he's not had a good look around your network already.

If you're reading this and have only limited computer knowledge, how long do you think it would have been before you'd have found out that WPA wasn't as secure as the man in the shop said? It's not like he's going to call you years after selling you a wireless router to warn you. When WPA is fully cracked, it'll give hackers (more correctly called "crackers") a whole new world to explore. More importantly, it'll give malicious individuals a new infection tool for worms.

The best solution to wireless insecurities is always going to be wires. They may be unsightly in some people's eyes, but at least your neighbours can't steal your broadband connection, or even spy on your internet usage.

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff. I guess it was only a matter of time until WPA got cracked.

    I guess you're right... wireless = insecure if you're not a geek. I know loads of people who still use WEP, and loads of routers that don't have WPA functionality! Sadly, wireless is too convenient so nowadays it's the default for new network setups in homes
