24 March 2009

Catch 'em young

A young man is on trial in Northern Ireland, accused of murdering PC Stephen Carroll, of having an assault rifle and ammunition, of membership of the Continuity IRA, and of "collecting information of use to terrorists". He's just 17 years old.

Born in 1992, he can have no real memory of the Troubles, and yet this young man is on trial for a sectarian killing. How the hell did that happen? The answer could be that grown ups - possibly even members of his own family - taught him to hate. An attitude has been instilled into him to the point where, it is alleged, he was prepared and ready to take part in murder.

If he did it and is convicted, he'll go to prison. But what of the people who taught him to hate with such vehemence, the people who continue to flog a dead conflict? They remain free; free to hate, and to instil that same poison into other impressionable young minds.

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