10 January 2009

Any sufficiently advanced technology...

According to Digital Spy, the rapper "Coolio" has claimed on the UK's immensely tedious Celebrity Big Brother that "Computers aren't from this planet".

"All this technology. You believe it came from this planet? Bullsh*t! I don't think men are that smart. I think it came from somewhere else." Clearly, you're not that smart, Coolio - not by a very long way - but please don't lump all humanity under the same banner of idiocy.

The lack of education displayed by someone millions admire is staggering. It's also a testament to the need to fill the vacuum of ignorance with something, anything so obviously idiotic, and yet still actively t odecide to believe it completely. There are too many snake oil salesmen ready to fill such vacuums with easy-to-believe solutions, from creationism to homoeopathy and beyond (for some reason, "Dr" Gillian McKeith sprung to mind writing that last sentence). However, Coolio's lack of knowledge and understanding is interesting for the fact that he seems to have some vague awareness of how difficult it is to start from first principles, do proper science and create the modern world.

Who once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic to primitive people? It's time to leave the superstition of the cave, Coolio, and to evolve a little! To paraphrase Douglas Adams: The secret is to keep bashing the rocks together.

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