I decided to download my Facebook History yesterday to see what I'd been posting two years ago. To do so, log in, go to account settings and it's at the bottom. facebook emails you a link, which you click on, and then enter your password to verify your identity.You then download the history, which in my case was nearly 16Mb. It was a dull read, made all the more interesting by the fact that nearly 6 months of posts are completely missing. What's going on? Is this yet another rolled-out feature that is not actually ready to be rolled out or is something more interesting going on? I'm guessing the former, but if Facebook can lose so much data, what happens when the authorities go knocking on their door with a warrant for someone's history to use as evidence in a court case and they can't produce it?
13 April 2012
My Missing Past
15 January 2012
A Decision on the Side of Sanity
The Guardian is reporting that teaching the nonsense of Creationism (and it really is complete nonsense) will be outlawed in the UK's free schools. This is great news. Creationism is nonsense, plain and simple. Its proponents claim that because the Theory of Evolution is "just a theory", then why not open the floor to other theories?
Let's be clear about this. The word "theory" in science is a very closely defined term. It is not a hunch but the result, in the form of a long chain of explainable evidence, of a systematic investigation into the way the universe works, and from which we may deduce that it does work. We know evolution happens. We can see it at work in our hospitals and in the wild as bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, and in the colouring of moths. But more importantly, there's the fossil record. We can see it happening with out own eyes over millions of years. It is not a hunch but a conclusion backed by overwhelming evidence..
Creationism is a load of old toot with no basis in fact. It isn't even a philosophy ...or even a hunch for that matter.